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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
He also said,

1Jn_1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

What is helpful in understanding 1 John 1:8 is looking at its immediate context. 1 John 1:10 says if we say we have not sinned. 1 John 1:10 switches gears from 1 John 1:8 in regards to time; John talks about the declaration on committing sin in verse 8 (which is present tense) to a declaration on committing sin being a past declaration (with verse 10). Verse 10 is saying there are people who said they have not sinned (past tense). This is clearly a gnostic belief. Why? Well, most believers today hold to the idea that they have sinned as a part of their old life before coming to Christ (Regardless of whether they are “OSAS,” a “Sin and still be saved” type believer, or a “Conditional Salvationist”). So this clearly is a “gnostic belief” that John was warning the brethren about (See 1 John 2:26). 1 John 1:8 is a present declaration of sin. It is saying if we say we have no sin when we do sin (present tense). This has to be the interpretative understanding of this verse because 1 John 2:4 says if we say we know Him and do not keep His commandments we are a liar and the truth is not in us. The OSAS's interpretation on 1 John 1:8 does not work because it conflicts with a normal reading on 1 John 2:3-4. You cannot always be in sin (breaking God's commands) as a part of 1 John 1:8 and yet also fulfill 1 John 2:3 that says we can have an assurance of knowing Him if we keep His commandments. Especially when 1 John 2:4 says we are a liar and the truth is not in us if we break his commandments. In other words, if the OSAS interpretation on 1 John 1:8 was true, then I would be damned if I do by obeying God's commands (1 John 1:8) and yet I would be damned if I don't by not obeying God's commands (1 John 2:4).

In fact, the New English Translation says this for 1 John 1:8,

"If we say we do not bear the guilt of sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us." (1 John 1:8 NET).​

In other words, this verse is saying that if a person sins and says they do not bear the guilt of sin (in the sense that they will not have to face any wrath or Judgment from God over their sin) then they would be deceiving themselves and the truth would not be in them. This is exactly what the Eternal Security proposes. They are saying that they do not bear the guilt of any sin (destruction of their soul and body in hell fire) if they do sin because they believe their future sins are paid for by Jesus. They are saying, they do not bear the guilt or the punishment of sin at the final Judgment because of their belief on Jesus. In short, 1 John 1:8 is a denial of the existence of sin on some level. “If we say we have no sin (in the sense that it does not exist) we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” (1 John 1:8). Christian Scientists think sin is an illusion and does not exist at all. So this verse would apply to them. Eternal Security Proponents and those who deny that “Sin Can Separate a Believer from God” deny the existence of sin partially. They believe sin exists physically but they do not believe sin exists for them on a spiritual level because Jesus has forgiven them of all their sin by their belief on Jesus. In fact, to see just how silly your argument actually is for 1 John 1:8, you would have to believe that you are sinning right now at this very moment in order for such a verse to be true because 1 John 1:8 is speaking in the present tense.

John prescribes that we do not think that sin is an illusion, and we are automatically saved, but John is telling us to "sin not" and go to our advocate Jesus Christ (1 John 2:1), and confess our sins so as to be forgiven of sin and to be cleansed of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). How can you confess and be forgiven of sin if all your future sin is paid for? It makes no sense.

You can say that John is talking about a break of fellowship by one's sins and not a loss of salvation, but that would not be consistent with Scripture. 1 John 5:12 says he that has the Son has life, and he that does not have the Son does not have life.

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
A fascinating irony in that argument that claims Eternal Irrevocable [someone here even mocked that word] grace filled faith and salvation of/from God, is a license to sin will then claim in their faith in works salvation they're still sinners.

I have not talked with any OSAS Christians who think that they must be sinlessly perfect in order for Eternal Security to be true.
This means that when they sin, they are still saved and they have not lost their salvation and neither are they in any danger of hellfire.
OSAS Christians or Non-OSAS Sin and Still Be Saved Christians fall into two categories.

#1. Hyper Grace (You can be a murder, rapist, thief, etcetera and still be saved).
I have talked with these types of Christians before and they are scary.

#2. Partial Hyper Grace (They say you cannot be a practicing murder, rapist, thief, etcetera and be saved). Yet, they double speak and think 1 John 1:8 is a banner flag of how they will always sin this side of Heaven. What sins do they do? They never seem to say. But they don’t believe they can lose their salvation and yet they admit they will sin again. So they also believe they can sin and still be saved on some level (Even though God’s Word gives us many warnings about how sin can destroy our souls in the afterlife and or lead to condemnation in hellfire). Most Christians today seem to fall into the Partial Hyper Grace camp. Some will say you can commit suicide and be saved. Some will say you can backslide into a lifestyle of sin and be saved. The list of justifying sin is endless even in this camp. But it’s not so obvious to spot because they also appear to be for holy living (When this is really not the case when push comes to shove).

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Its a Demonic CULT that teaches that these people.... John 3:36.....will be released from Hell.

ITs a fools game to believe that God sends you to Hell for rejecting Christ, then later lets you into Heaven to exist eternally with the born again who trusted in Christ before they died.

Preachers preach to keep you from going to Hell.
DEVIL'S preach that you can go there, and no need to worry about it.

Don't be that fool and die., as there is no 2nd chance to be born again, in Hell.

Everyone who dies goes to Sheol/Hades sir, and it will be emptied according to the Bible Rev 20:13, then being no longer needed will be cast into the lake of fire v14. Those who have sinned against the holy spirit have the judgment of Gehenna, another word your translators render hell, there is no redemption for them, you are quite correct.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And so now Cain was the one trying to do what was good and acceptable to God, not Abel.

Its a demonic cult that teaches that people who end up in hell for rejecting Christ, will be allowed to get out later.
So, do you plan on continuing to teach this Satanic Lie?

Also, Cain was rejected by God, because he tried to give God His works, and God demands BLOOD.

Abel brought the blood, as God requires, ... same as He requires BLOOD from the CROSS to accept anyone.

No Blood, no salvation.
No Cross, no salvation.

Works are for the deceived who rejected the Cross, and are trying to bypass this.... John 14:6


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Everyone who dies goes to Sheol/Hades sir,

Jesus taught/spoke about HELL, more then He spoke/taught about Heaven.

Jesus said its better to tear out your own EYE and cut off your own HAND, then it is to go to HELL.

So, if you think that is a "city dump" or whatever else the heretics have caused to you not understand about HELL, then have at it.
Thats on you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
He also said,

1Jn_1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Christ has the sin of all the born again.
If you have yours, then you have a real issue, as that means that Jesus has not died for it yet.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You can say that John is talking about a break of fellowship by one's sins and not a loss of salvation,

Have you read a commentary written by a Cross denying heretic that teaches that the born again have to confess sin to try to keep themselves saved?
Never believes these Grace Rejecting LIARS, who have no understanding of the Cross of Christ or the Grace of God.

Have you ever belonged to a Cult that teaches that you are responsible for making sure that God stays in fellowship with you, as if the Cross of Christ is not the ONLY reason that He does, forever?

Have you ever belonged to a cult that teaches that you still have your sin, after Paul's doctrine says that "Jesus became Sin", and that God was in Christ not counting anyone's sin's against them, IF they will believe in Jesus and be born again?

2 Corinthians 5:19

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
You are saved, when you are born again.

If you are confessing sin to try to "re-save" yourself, then you dont understand "God's GIFT of Salvation"., and "God's GIFT of Righteousness".
You can call it what you want but I don't believe we are saved if we are not forgiven of our sins. And so when we sin we need to confess to Jesus to be forgiven and saved. If you want to call that being resaved then that's fine with me. I'm not a Christian who lets teachings get in the way of believing Jesus is the Christ and my Savior. It's the same way I don't let works stop me from believing He forgives me and saves men when I confess for sinning. I have only one practice and exercise of faith and it is all the time, that I believe Jesus is the Christ and is my Savior forever and forgives and saves men when I sin and confess it to Him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You can call it what you want but I don't believe we are saved if we are not forgiven of our sins.

Did you die on the Cross?
If you did, then believe that your confession keeps you saved.
If you didnt die on the Cross, shedding your blood for the "sin of the World'< then TRUST IN CHRIST ALONE, who did shed His Blood and die for your sin.
Trust HIM, as He is the SAVIOR. He is the "only way to Heaven", and never trust in anything you can do to try to cause God to accept you.
He will NOT.
He sent Jesus as the only WAY to be accepted by God.

John 14:6

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
The problem is that you are letting your own thoughts and experience rule how you define faith and salvation and you are not allowing for the Bible and what it says to shape and mold your thoughts and experience instead. You said you went down the road before in thinking you had to overcome sin in order to be saved and it appears it did not work out for you. But that sounds like you are just letting your failures and your own experience rule over your thinking to rule and guide your faith instead of just reading and believing the Bible to guide your faith instead. I gave you only a taste of a few handful of verses that refutes the false thinking that we can continue to abide in sin and still be saved. Confession of sin to the Lord, and a hatred of that sin with a belief in Jesus as the Savior is not what the Lord is looking for (if you truly desire to enter His Kingdom). I have already told you before that the slave to sin will not remain or abide in the house (i.e. the house of Christ) forever (John 8:34-35). This is why Jesus said strive to enter the straight gate (Luke 13:24). All workers of iniquity will be told by the Lord Jesus Himself to depart from Him (Luke 13:27) (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus said that everyone who does not do what He says is like a fool who built his house upon the sand and when a storm came, great was the fall of that house (Matthew 7:26-27). So if we are not doing what Jesus says, we will be destroyed and be without hope in entering God’s Kingdom. I really wish things were easier, but they are not. Just keep reading and believing your Bible, and don’t trust your own thoughts and experience. Trust God’s Word even when it does not make any sense. This is truly what it means to have faith in God and His Word. When we believe ALL of what His Word says and not just believe certain verses of the Bible from a slanted wrong point of view. Jesus made real world examples (Parables) to illustrate truth. Even real life shows that your belief does not stand up to scrutiny. No healthy marriage would last if the husband cheated on his wife continually and he just kept saying he was sorry and he expressed that he hated his sin. The real test is if he truly hated his sin… he would stop doing that sin. The true test that he actually loved his wife is that he would be loyal to her. This is the loyalty that God is looking for. Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15). Jesus did not say if you love me… just hate your sin and confess it and don’t worry about overcoming it. Jesus did not say that. Jesus told two people to sin no more (John 5:14) (John 8:11).
I see what you mean but you are reading things into me that I've never said. I don't trust in my own thoughts or my expericnes. I know what they are but I don't trust in them. I only trust in believing Jesus is the Christ and that He fogirves me of sinning by confessing to Him. And I also agree that Christians can be faithful in all things at all times, but I am not one of them and I stopped trusting in that to be saved by.

And so I'll just say it once more since you are obviously concerned and interested. The Bible tells us what we ought to be doing but never says every Christian will be doing that. I am not saying I am sinning all the time or even everyday, but only that I stopped promising myself and Jesus that I would not sin again. My only disagreement with you is that you are saying I am not now saved because I say I will sin again. That is not true because right now I am saved because I am forgiven of the last time I sinned. You are saying you are saved because you say you are not sinning now and will not sin again. I say that is a boast that is not good. I do not say Christians saints are boasting for not sinning, but only iof they say they will not sin again and base being saved on that belief.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. (1 John 1.8)

I do not say this means that every Christian is sinning, but that we shouldn't be telling ourselves we will not sin again as though we cannot sin anymore. As though we are without fear we will ever fall to temptation. I don't believe that should be the thinking of any Christian because that is a perfection of the resurrection only. The point I make is simply that I do not base my salvation any longer on future victory over sinning but only on being forgiven by confession when we do sin. I do acknowledge that you are more correct in saying if you sin. I do not seek to sin but I am not surprised when I do.

To me, trusting in Jesus not to sin, is not the same as trusting in ourselves not to sin again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I only trust in believing Jesus is the Christ and that He fogirves me of sinning by confessing to Him..

If you will renew your mind into this understanding...

= "Jesus has forgiven me, all my sin". vs, "i have to confess to get Him to do it again".

If you will begin to TRUST that "Jesus who saved me, KEEPS ME SAVED""..

If you will come into the BELIEF that..."God who started your Salvation IN YOU, will HIMSELF be Faithful to complete it"....

If you will renew your mind to TRUST like that, in Christ and God, then the Grace of God will become a foundation for you that will empower you to live above the sinning and confessing, failed discipleship.

You will begin to exist here........as Paul teaches..>"Christ ALWAYS give me the VICTORY", over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
Did you die on the Cross?
If you did, then believe that your confession keeps you saved.
If you didnt die on the Cross, shedding your blood for the "sin of the World'< then TRUST IN CHRIST ALONE, who did shed His Blood and die for your sin.
Trust HIM, as He is the SAVIOR. He is the "only way to Heaven", and never trust in anything you can do to try to cause God to accept you.
He will NOT.
He sent Jesus as the only WAY to be accepted by God.

John 14:6
The Bible says we are supposed to die to ourselves on our own cross.

Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. (Mark 8.34)

By taking up our own cross we cannot then forgive ourselves, but must still confess our sinning in order to be forgiven my Him.

Because He died on His cross and shed His blood to death, then He and God are able to forgive us when we confess to Him and not frustrate the law saying that we shall die when we sin. That is what I trust in Jesus for. The punishment of the law and death of the soul for sinning is still the same, but Jesus is the eternal sacrifice Lamb of God so that we can be forgiven and restored to life by confessing our sinning from the heart to Him. I cannot say I will not sin again, but I do not say I will not die by sinning and have no need of Jesus' forgiveness again.

Are you saying that forgiveness for sinning is not necessary to be saved, or that you are not separated dead from Him when you are sinning like me?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The Bible says we are supposed to die to ourselves on our own cross.

The NT teaches that you are to "take up your Cross", which is to deny being willing to do what the World says you are to WANT.

Paul teaches that "i die daily", and that means He is submitting to the will of God that is to live in submission to the Grace of God.
Paul teaches that we are to "take every thought Captive" that tries to believe that our self effort is required by God, to keep us saved.
See that? Those "imaginations" are SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and we are to take them Captive........to deny them, as this allows us to focus on Salvation as a Gift that is given by God, that is only based on the CROSS of Christ.
In other words......ALL SELF EFFORT to try to be saved or stay saved, has to be REMOVED from your discipleship.

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
If you will renew your mind into this understanding...

= "Jesus has forgiven me, all my sin". vs, "i have to confess to get Him to do it again".

If you will begin to TRUST that "Jesus who saved me, KEEPS ME SAVED""..

If you will come into the BELIEF that..."God who started your Salvation IN YOU, will HIMSELF be Faithful to complete it"....

If you will renew your mind to TRUST like that, in Christ and God, then the Grace of God will become a foundation for you that will empower you to live above the sinning and confessing, failed discipleship.

You will begin to exist here........as Paul teaches..>"Christ ALWAYS give me the VICTORY", over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
I don't do anything with Jesus to get him to do anything. I do it because I love Him and need to for Him, and He does it because He loves me and is the only One able to do it.

He is faithful to completely save me forever and I believe I am now, and He is also faithful all my life to draw me to confession for forgiveness when I sin.

I have stopped believing I will not be sinning, but I do believe I will be confessing and being forgiven by His grace. Are you saying that sinning and confessing for forgiveness is failed discipleship, or are you saying that sinning and thinking to need to confess for forgiveness is failed discipleship?

If you are one of the Christian saints that is not sinning and confessing, because of not sinning anymore day to day, because you always exercise His power to live above it, then that is great and you are most blessed. I am not one of the saints that does not sin anymore, so that I can trust to say I will not be sinning tomorrow or any day after in this life. My only trust is to say Jesus is faithful to have me confess and be forgiven when I do sin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
He is faithful to completely save me forever and I believe I am now, and He is also faithful all my life to draw me to confession for forgiveness

If you are SAVED, you are already forgiven of all your sin, because "Jesus BECAME SIN" ... Yours, = on the Cross.

Look at this verse.

Read it.
Believe it.

2 Corinthians 5:19

It says that God does not charge you with your sin......but this is an OFFER< and to receive it, you must believe in Jesus, and be born again.
Its not automatic. Its this..."the work of God is that you BELIEVE IN JESUS< whom God Sent".
You do that, and God will take care of all your sin.

See, God does not hold you accountable IN ETERNITY, after you DIE, for your SIN., if you are born again.
Why not?
Because God as Christ on the Cross has died for them ALL, already.
He didnt miss even one.

"what if i mess up tomorrow"...

The Cross is 2000 ago. Its still saving people today and FOREVER.
It STILL pays the price for SIN, for all who are saved today, , and for US who are saved long ago.

Salvation is COMPLETED by CHRIST. This is why He said from the Cross.. ."IT is FINISHED".

We receive IT......We receive by faith what Christ has finished for us. = and that is to be SAVED.

You dont confess sin to keep what Christ has Finished.
Its Finished. And if you have God's Salvation, then God who saved you, through Christ, keeps you saved..

You never have to worry about that again.

Now, go out and live righteously. Live clean and good and pure, being empowered By God's Grace based on the JOY OF SALVATION, that is not of "works".
As when you try to do this according to real faith in Christ.. you will find that the desire for sin......will weaken and leave you.
As soon as you COMPLETELY TRUST IN CHRIST to keep you saved, = God's Grace becomes your empowerment to live HOLY.
Till then, you will sin and confess and fail.

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
The NT teaches that you are to "take up your Cross", which is to deny being willing to do what the World says you are to WANT.

Paul teaches that "i die daily", and that means He is submitting to the will of God that is to live in submission to the Grace of God.
Paul teaches that we are to "take every thought Captive" that tries to believe that our self effort is required by God, to keep us saved.
See that? Those "imaginations" are SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and we are to take them Captive........to deny them, as this allows us to focus on Salvation as a Gift that is given by God, that is only based on the CROSS of Christ.
In other words......ALL SELF EFFORT to try to be saved or stay saved, has to be REMOVED from your discipleship.
True. I have been freed from willingly sinning and enjoying it like I did before with the world. I don't enjoy it like I used to when I sin anymore.

For me, the thoughts we are to take captive are tempting thoughts to sin, which I cannot say I will always do. I don't know what you mean by taking captive thoughts of self righteousness. Are you saying the imaginations we are supposed to ignore are any ideas that we can resist tempting thoughts at all, or that we can always resist them? I would agree that I cannot say I will always take tempting thoughts captive, but I do know many times I do resist the devil until he flees from me. Just not always.

I don't have self efforts unless it is to give into tempting thoughts and sin. That's when I am not relying on Jesus to overcome them and cast them down. And I certainly don't have any self efforts to be saved, because when I confess sinning it is not by my efforts to do so, but simply by doing so because He wants me to.

Anything we do with Jesus is by grace, because we can only come to Him when He draws us to,a nd so self effort is what I used to do all the time when I didn't care about Him.

"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. He went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them. (John 6.44,65)

Are you saying that I must remove any idea of casting down tempting thoughts and not sin, just because sometimes I don't, or we should not worry about any tempting thoughts and just not sin with them? The way not to sin is simply not worrying about, acknowledging, messing with tempting thoughts at all?

Always Believing

Active Member
Aug 28, 2022
United States
If you are SAVED, you are already forgiven of all your sin, because "Jesus BECAME SIN" ... Yours, = on the Cross.

Look at this verse.

Read it.
Believe it.

2 Corinthians 5:19

It says that God does not charge you with your sin......but this is an OFFER< and to receive it, you must believe in Jesus, and be born again.
Its not automatic. Its this..."the work of God is that you BELIEVE IN JESUS< whom God Sent".
You do that, and God will take care of all your sin.

See, God does not hold you accountable IN ETERNITY, after you DIE, for your SIN., if you are born again.
Why not?
Because God as Christ on the Cross has died for them ALL, already.
He didnt miss even one.

"what if i mess up tomorrow"...

The Cross is 2000 ago. Its still saving people today and FOREVER.
It STILL pays the price for SIN, for all who are saved today, , and for US who are saved long ago.

Salvation is COMPLETED by CHRIST. This is why He said from the Cross.. ."IT is FINISHED".

We receive IT......We receive by faith what Christ has finished for us. = and that is to be SAVED.

You dont confess sin to keep what Christ has Finished.
Its Finished. And if you have God's Salvation, then God who saved you, through Christ, keeps you saved..

You never have to worry about that again.

Now, go out and live righteously. Live clean and good and pure, being empowered By God's Grace based on the JOY OF SALVATION, that is not of "works".
As when you try to do this according to real faith in Christ.. you will find that the desire for sin......will weaken and leave you.
As soon as you COMPLETELY TRUST IN CHRIST to keep you saved, = God's Grace becomes your empowerment to live HOLY.
Till then, you will sin and confess and fail.
Are you saying you not only don't sin anymore, but all desire and temptation for sin is gone also? If so that is fantastic for you and if what you are preaching leads to that, I must consider it, because so far that has not happened with me.

Are you saying the sinning and confessing routine is failure, and you are one of the Christian saints not sinning and so not needing to confess?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Are you saying that I must remove any idea of casting down tempting thoughts and not sin, just because sometimes I don't?

If you want to stop sinning....... you have to be born again......not just water baptized and religious, wasting time in Church on Sunday.
Jesus said : "you must be BORN AGAIN", and "that is by my SPIRIT, sayeth the LORD".

Once you are born again, you are to "work out your Salvation".

See, you have it if you are truly born again... You have Salvation. God has given it to you as "the GIFT of Salvation"... And now you are to work it out.
How do you do that?
Its only worked out by you existing in the renewed mind of right understanding regarding what it means to have become : "a new Creation in Christ".

Most believers never do this..
They end up the first year, or the first few months deceived by a heretic. They are deceived into the false religion of "trying to stay saved".
See that?
That is LEGALISM.. Its the "gospel of Works" that denies GRACE.
To have that "faith" is to be "fallen from Grace".
That's Broken Faith.

Salvation is God saving us, based on the Cross of Christ.

We have to learn to completely TRUST THAT, which is to renew your mind, as your mind wants to NOT TRUST THAT.
Your mind wants you to try to keep yourself saved by doing WORKS ... .good deeds, keeping commandments.
But REAL FAITH....is to KNOW that God who saved you, through THE CROSS of CHRIST, keeps you saved through THE Cross of Christ".

Philippians 1:6

And when you end the "here is what i have to DO, to go to heaven, ... to stay saved".... = carnal mind, and get the renewed mind that BELIEVES that Jesus Keeps you SAVED......then you have entered your very first day of true discipleship, as you have worked out your Salvation.

See, you can have Salvation, and not understand it at all.
Most Cults and many Denominations are built on not understanding Salvation.
Forum are filled with people who have no understanding, at all, of God's Salvation.

Let me show you how to CLEARLY UNDERSTAND, Salvation.

A.) Jesus is Salvation.

B.) Jesus is your Eternal Life

C.) Christ on the Cross, forgives ALL your sin

D.) Heaven is already your home, as the born again are "seated in HEAVENLY PLACES, In Christ".
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Anti-gospel proponents contriving euphemisms like "'OSAS sinners'',
Are you saying as an OSAS believer you are not a sinner?

If so, you are certainly different from all the other ones that make sure every Christian knows they are also sinners too, no matter how much they deny it.

stupidly claim eternal salvation is a license to sin.
There's no such thing as a license to sin. God never gives one, His saints don't look for one, and the devil and his sinners don't care about having one.

"We don't need no stinkin' badges to sin!!" (Treasure of the Sierra Madre)

Ignoring the scriptures that tell us those in Christ do not make a habit of sinning. If they do they never knew Christ and he doesn't know them.

No one is suggesting it is necessary to make a habit of sinning. That's not necessary at all. Just one is enough while dancing it with the devil.

They think their despising the gospel and coining stupid remarks like that make Christ's people look like hypocrites.

Jesus' people are not hypocrites nor do they look like them. The only hypocrites that look like hypocrites, are the hypocrites acting like hypocrites while naming the name of Christ:

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

OSAS sinners is a biblically illiterate fool.

I agree. I just haven't heard anyone say it that way before. So, you certainly must not be one of those OSAS sinners, that call themselves sinners saved by grace, and call every other Christian on the planet a sinner like themselves.

using such pathetic tactics.

I aim to please. And enjoy it too.

I've really had enough of this satanic hogwash.

When you really really have had enough, you'll move on and quit adding more hogs to be washed.