If The Kingdom isn't here yet then what is JESUS CHRIST a King of?

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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Calling yourself a "Jew" doesn't mean anything anymore. There is no more sea. There is no more distinction.

Revelation 21:1
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

You may be right that the "sea" represents the division of nations. That symbol of division may quite literally pass away.

However, I cannot agree with your Replacement definition of "Jew." There is at present a nationality and an ethnicity called "Jew," and though the majority aren't saved presently, a remnant presently is saved. As well, the nation, though not Christian now, will be Christian in the future. Your definition of "Jew" ignores these arguments.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2021
West PA
United States
You may be right that the "sea" represents the division of nations. That symbol of division may quite literally pass away.

However, I cannot agree with your Replacement definition of "Jew." There is at present a nationality and an ethnicity called "Jew," and though the majority aren't saved presently, a remnant presently is saved. As well, the nation, though not Christian now, will be Christian in the future. Your definition of "Jew" ignores these arguments.

The Remnant was 2,000 years ago. You don't get to call yourself a Jew anymore without The High Priest of JESUS. Authentic Jews require Atonement ...there is no difference between a modern day "Jew" and an atheist.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The Remnant was 2,000 years ago. You don't get to call yourself a Jew anymore without The High Priest of JESUS. Authentic Jews require Atonement ...there is no difference between a modern day "Jew" and an atheist.

You and I don't get to create definitions out of thin air. We all understand what "Jew" means, and you're trying to create a different, biblical definition for the same.

A Jew is someone who follows Judaism or is raised up in the Jewish culture. It is in fact an ethnicity as well as a nationality.

The "remnant" Paul spoke of was only mentioned 2000 years ago, but Paul implied that the remnant would continue to exist throughout the present age. They are a sort of "holding package" until the full package arrives. There will be, just as in Elijah's time, a faithful group among the Israelites, even at a time when it seems all Israel has gone off to worship in foreign religion. There are Jews converting to Christianity even today, until Israel is finally judged to bring about a definitive change to the nation.

Judaism is not atheistic. You're completely wrong about that. If you just define things randomly, then nobody can respect your theological definitions either. Judaism believes in *one God!*

But I respect the fact Replacement Theology has been around a long time, and I understand why that is. It seemed Israel would never achieve spiritual restoration. The Jewish People as a whole firmly resisted Christianization.

I don't think any of us would have realized how great God's patience is, in regard to how long He's taken to bring about the salvation of Israel. But God has been unwilling to bring final judgment to Israel until many nations have an an equal shot at salvation. When judgment comes, it will purify the nations. Israel will, I believe, become a Christian nation in fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
If JESUS is going to go and prepare a place for us, why would The Kingdom remain here?

John 14:2-3
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.​

Jesus went to the cross to enable Israel to have a 2nd chance to obtain God's Kingdom. And this time, God has planned to give Israel a Kingdom *eternally,* and not just temporarily. Not only so, but he has indicated that his death on the cross was an atonement for all nations. God's plan, since He told it to Abraham, was that there should be not just one, but many, nations of faith.

What Jesus left to prepare for he already accomplished. He is not still dying on the cross. He is not still winning us an atonement for our sins. What he is doing now is completing his plan to reach out to all nations so that he will have many nations of faith and a multitude of people from all nations to serve him on the earth forever.

For what it's worth, there is in evidence God's Kingdom on this earth. It is the eternal Kingdom that remains aloof and out of reach. The eternal Kingdom in the heavens is "near," but not *here.*

The Kingdom that Israel had was temporary, because it rested upon fallible human leaders. And that Kingdom was taken from Israel because those leaders and those people failed under that covenant.

That Kingdom has now been delivered to the European Civilization that has extended the Gospel to all nations. Christian nations have represented that Kingdom, even though like Israel they have failed time and again.

The kingdoms of this world will eventually pass to God's eternal Kingdom when it comes. And it will come when Jesus returns.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
PJ: Another great video by this pastor. Just a few points on it.

1. I agree with most of it in the main. Christ and his works and soon after in his generation, completed all future remaining prophecies.
2. Yes, the Anti-Christ is a spirit or spirits of the evil one, (the chief evil ... called Satan) and not a future person that opposes Christ and his people who lavished in a physical newly constructed Temple. The Beast of the sea and earth is not therefore the Anti-Christ or any superman. 3. The key point for all believers to heed is be vigilant to the future generation of false believers and clearly godless people who are intermingled as one, who have clearly and completely separated itself from the true gospel and completely falls away as an institutional doctrine, of the global false Church - it becomes a truly global religious anti-Christ institution. Noah also knew of his last generation and then stepped into the Ark. The time will come when the evil one is unbound, unrestrained by the Spirit of God, revealed as he gathers his global false Church and trans-humanistic religious people (95% of the population) to endeavor to destroy those of Christ and his Body. He will be destroyed along with all Anti-Christs and anti-gospel worshippers not raptured upon Christ's return.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You let Pharisees tell you what constitutes what a "Jew" is. Pretty sure GOD already set those requirements and no one today qualifies.

Millions do! A Jew is anyone who is descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Now a spiritual Jew is any Jew who has accepted Jesus as Messiah!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Still reviewing the clip and I like the linkage and sequence of events leading up to the demise of Jerusalem and the end of that age.

1. After the Crucifixion of Christ, for about another 30 years or so later, the two witnesses were still alive and well in Jerusalem. The new generation of Christians carries the messages of the 2 witnesses - Moses of the Law of God, and Elijah representing the prophets who spoke of the gospel of God during their own time.

2. The two witnesses of true spiritual truth, purposely instigated and aroused the local authorities of the Pharisees and Sadducees to persecute the Hebrew Christians. They hated the Two Witness of God and the Hebrew Christian of Abraham's promise.

The two witnesses brought a message of grave judgment to Jerusalem if they continued to reject Christ, and not turning away as repentance for their evil acts of spiritual idolatry.

You don't really believe what you wrote here is Scripture do you?

3. In 66 AD, a zealot skirmish broke out within the walls of Jerusalem. These people became restless and wanted power and a seat at the table of local governance. It drew the attention of a Roman General Gallus. He brought a small army down from the North from Syria and temporarily placed Jerusalem under siege.

The effect of the Romans' presence excited the Nationalists, the zealots, with their cry for political representation on par with the religious elite. They stirred up the locals and appealed to their national loyalty. They even assembled a small army of several thousand.

The Romans for the first time being outside of the walls of the City, in attack formation, placed the local elite in a quandary as they were always in league with the Romans, and against the Christians. They had no choice and eventually recognized the zealots' growing political power.

Another effect of the Roman presence caused the Christians to flee out of Jerusalem and surrounding areas into the hills, as they remembered what Christ said about the time Roman soldiers would surround the walls of Jerusalem. This was their signal to flee with haste, and they took it. By doing so, this also caused the two witnesses to continue to preach within Jerusalem more vigorously, for 3.5 years, preaching repentance and judgment and the gospel of salvation, from God.

Suddenly, the Romans soldiers left and the zealot army pursued them and defeated them. The zealots returned as National heroes and now held a political edge. These zealots now believed that God was on their side. That God was going to intervene and rescue Jerusalem as he had done throughout its history. So now the two witnesses were down on the streets, dead, gone, forgotten, trodden underfoot by the new spiritual thinking of God's protection and salvation for Jerusalem once again.

4. Now the famous Roman general Vespasian with his 60,000 troops then came down for the Euphrates after hearing of Gallus' defeat, and systematic pillaged, burnt down villages and towns and killed all in his path going South. Many escaped his path and fled into Jerusalem thinking it was a safe haven. And thus its population grew very quickly in the process. How ironic that fleeing into Jerusalem was still considered God's holy safe haven after all they had witnessed from the Romans.

The zealots believed so much in God's divine intervention, they actually burn the food, to deliberately pick a fight and to force God's hand to act on their behalf against Vespasian.

So Jerusalem celebrated this empty message of hope and salvation, by partying and gifting each other. They also got rid of the two witnesses or so they thought.

By the beginning of 70 AD, the remaining 'dying' as embers of a fire, the few voices representing the two witnesses, preaching repentance and imminent judgement, took the true spirit of God of Israel with them to the hills, or they were martyred. They were all raised up! What was left in Jerusalem when Titus, the new god of Jerusalem's people came inside its walls and the temple, was spiritual emptiness and chaos. The spirit of the Jews were gone, and only an empty shell remained for good.

this is a horrid account of the history between 66 and 70 Ad. The siege was led by Titus who left off the siege to see his father Vespasian crowned as Cesar! then returned and His troops destroyed the city. Titus had ordered the temple to be left alone, but one of the soldiers tossed a torch in and the fire burned so hot, it melted all the gold in the temple and it oozed into the cracks between the bricks. The soldiers literally dismantled teh temple to retrieve the gold! So that not one stone was upon another!

YOu are not giving a biblical account but an allegorical reinterpretation of the
bible. So it is the word of>>>>>>>>>> and not the Word of God!

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
If JESUS is going to go and prepare a place for us, why would The Kingdom remain here?

John 14:2-3
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

People that overcome ...doesn't that mean now?

Revelation 3:12​
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

Is the Judgment by JESUS to end Jerusalem tell us that He is Reigning over The House of Jacob from Mount Zion (GOD'S Kingdom) as a King (Luke 19:41-44)? "and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation."

If the Reborn are Kingdom Ambassadors, why are we waiting for a physical Kingdom like the Jews are? They are waiting for a Messianic Age, are we also or is LORD JESUS CHRIST Reigning right now?

Check out “amillennial eschatology”. What do people think is going on when they become Reborn? i’ll tell you, He becomes our KING.

Jews still haven’t figured out that GOD’S Kingdom isn’t physical. You become Reborn to enter it. You become Reborn for a Relationship with GOD.

very short video:

What Anointed King matches to the King in Psalm 72? What Jewish King asks for prayers continually besides the Ultimate King (Psa 72:15)? "prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised."
The kingdom is here, I believe. It is invisible but very real.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Matthew 4:17. We have to repent to understand.
So you do not understand enough to reply? Jesus understood perfectly. He told us to pray for His kingdom to come. If it was already here, why would He do that?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
So you do not understand enough to reply? Jesus understood perfectly. He told us to pray for His kingdom to come. If it was already here, why would He do that?
Matthew 4:17 says it all. As soon as we repent, we understand.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Matthew 4:17 says it all. As soon as we repent, we understand.
I'll have to take it you do not understand but try to pretend you do then, since you cannot articulate any clear position. You thought you were unique in having repented or gotten saved??

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
I'll have to take it you do not understand but try to pretend you do then, since you cannot articulate any clear position. You thought you were unique in having repented or gotten saved??
I don't understand? Matthew 4:17 says, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." When you repent of your sin, you understand.

Bob Carabbio

Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2016
Dallas, TX
United States
If JESUS is going to go and prepare a place for us, why would The Kingdom remain here?

The "Kingdom of God" (Kingdom of heaven) was, is, and always will be: "THAT OVER WHICH GOD REIGNS". Obviously it includes "a Place for us". So simply a non-issue.

People that overcome ...doesn't that mean now?

yes - so what's the problem???

WHen you've been Born Again of the Holy Spirit, you've "overcome".

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
I don't understand? Matthew 4:17 says, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." When you repent of your sin, you understand.
Inside. Not all over the world and in power. This is news? His kingdom will come and His will will be done one day, on earth as it is in heaven. Not today.
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Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Inside. Not all over the world and in power. This is news? His kingdom will come and His will will be done one day, on earth as it is in heaven. Not today.
Do you understand symbolism? The New Jerusalem descends out of heaven (Revelation 3:12 and Revelation 21:2). It is the peace that descends on us when we repent of our sin (Matthew 4:17).


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Jews still haven’t figured out that GOD’S Kingdom isn’t physical.

o_OWell, there is a physical kingdom to be established actually. And ONLY THEN is the new covenant established.

(Isaiah 9:6-7) "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. {7} Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this."

(Micah 4:1-7) "But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. {2} And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

{3} ¶ And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. {4} But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the LORD of hosts hath spoken it. {5} For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. {6} In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; {7} And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever."

He's called the prince of peace, ruling over the nations in a time when all nations are disarmed, when they shall not learn war anymore, IN THE LAST DAYS. Sorry, there is no way around the prophecy being clearly defined as a literal kingdom on earth. And if you believe this has already occurred, and he's called the "prince of peace", then he is doing a TERRIBLE job at being the "prince of peace" now is he as all hell breaks loose? Your god is a JOKE, not impressed. :confused:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Do you understand symbolism? The New Jerusalem descends out of heaven (Revelation 3:12 and Revelation 21:2). It is the peace that descends on us when we repent of our sin (Matthew 4:17).
I understand real. He went to prepare a real place for believers. That city does not land down on our heads when we receive salvation. That place comes down to earth after a real 1000 years. That city is not here now. Jesus is not ruling the nations with a rod of iron now. In fact they are enemies of God and do very wickedly in case you never noticed. One day, His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven and His kingdom will come. Those who try to wave or 'symbolize' it all away simply do not believe His word.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
I understand real. He went to prepare a real place for believers. That city does not land down on our heads when we receive salvation. That place comes down to earth after a real 1000 years. That city is not here now. Jesus is not ruling the nations with a rod of iron now. In fact they are enemies of God and do very wickedly in case you never noticed. One day, His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven and His kingdom will come. Those who try to wave or 'symbolize' it all away simply do not believe His word.
The key is Matthew 4:17. When we repent of our sin, as Jesus commanded, it all becomes clear.