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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Maybe the leftist news media is doing its level best to ignore as far as possible the scandal, because the pope of this papacy is to them a gift from Zeus or Baal or whatever god they worship:
  • constantly affirms that the myth of Climate Change is a real thing
  • condemns Capitalism
  • condemns border walls and promotes illegal border crossing of poor catholics into wealthy by comparison Protestant nations whose Protestant taxpayers will be separated from their wealth by "redistribution" in accordance with the papal encyclical "Rerum Novarum".
  • affirms by no-contest that there is only one singular evil - "Christian religious fundamentalists" whose efforts to convert others through reason constitutes violence that is worse than actual radical religious fundamentalist violent terrorism.
  • (by the papal global child sex abuse crime syndicate) promotes sexual deviancy in which leftists never cease to revel.
The question we should be asking is to what degree have the papal accomplices in the news media helped to keep hidden what others are trying to expose?
I agree with all but for Rerum Novarum, I studied that maybe be 30 years ago and thought it was a really good, and I am sure as Hell Pope Frances would hate it, there is nothing Socialist at all in it that I remember.

And as sure to be sure I believe that there is a child sex abuse crime syndicate and that you are totally correct about the promoting of sexual deviancy, most lefty's are as you say and also the wealthy extreme right wing creeps who use people for there own ends, I have seen this type for years have no morals at all, but the lefty's type are just a different breed of filthy stinking rats.

The only thing many very rich care about is there own money, I know many mates of mine when it comes to there money the issue of the morality of the nation does not get a look in when they Vote, as there money is 1000 times more important to them, so the whole nation is purely run by economics, dare I say crappy ones at that.

We just got the worst far right Socialist PM kicked out of running Australia, he was cunningly getting rid of all the conservatives and undermining Australians and looking after the very top end of town, I could see this in his workings, but the media work hard to cover everything all up, there is billions of dollars being spent on deluding the public by such satanic socialist in the media.

Look at the USA it has run into the ground morally not to mention the vampires have bankrupt the nation, and the media just cast such aside as just nothing worthy of being news. not to mention the USA give billions of tax payers dollars away to other nations, do you all know how much they give the State of Israel ? does anyone care or go bother to look it up, no ! but when the day comes that all their Super has just vanished, who are the morons going to blame, well it has to be themselves they were morons to just blindly trust in the government, the government has no accountability for their actions do they, they get away with so much that it's just insane and look at the Child sex abuse I was yelling out about this from 1977 it was like pulling teeth, people just stuck their head in the sand and did not want to know about it and the churches took full advantage of such ignorance and no one can deny that is a fact and the same brick wall exist nowadays in the RCC Schools today, the leadership have no true repentance, it's still the same old same old underneath a new facade, the game is on even more so now than ever, they are out right working to corrupt the children in fact, not to mention the same is with the Governments they are working to corrupt all.
Funny when one comes up and questions such, you get treated the same good old palm you off and demand that you have no rights to question them at all and I am a member of a political Party but I have no rights to ask questions ? but if I said something political incorrect they will come at me ranting that I have no rights to say such.

Well I am like this, I thought that my forefathers fought for my rights and that I came from a Christian Nation and this new age mob reject all such to my face. I can't believe they can say such rubbish.
We were never a Christian nation they say and that our forefathers fought for Sodomites rights, the same mobs look down on our forefathers, in fact bagging stuff that they have not got any depth about the reality of such, truth is they don't truly care because they are uni educated twats that have only been indoctrinated and they would not know what an education truly was, they are just brainwashed ignorant idiots and I say you want to question your teachers you know and there like what ! are you serious, bloody oath I am and you want to go and study the history of the Laws of this Land as such will prove that I am correct.
Not to mention, I wonder what would of happened to me if I were to claimed there type of rubbish to people down the pub back in the 1960's 70's you would want to be able to run real fast and never show your face their again, or they would tear you apart and that's a fact !


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You scare me....lol....such harsh words....my ex-boyfriend grew up Catholic and he had to go to a Catholic school and he said they were very strict and quick to punish any perceived disrespect towards the church or the staff so I can understand where this defensive nature comes from.....But I still think they have a great outreach program...many outreach programs.
Why should I scare you?
People like Phoneyman who spew lies about the Church SHOULD be publicly rebuked (1 Tim. 5:20).

Besides - I’m the LAST person you should be afraid of. Be more afraid of GOD’S punishments to those who engage in this sort of behavior than what some online poster like ME says . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I don't listen to Phoneman or anyone....I have my own mind which I can use.

And which homework are you referring to?
The homework which makes my stomach turn to read about the accusations which are most probably correct since there are so many of them?j
The homework that makes me understand that children's lives have been damaged?

This morning I was driving home and a mother with two small children was walking up in the opposite direction. When she saw the car, she pushed the children against the curb and held them there (no sidewalks).

THIS is what we're supposed to do to children...protect them.
I'm very upset over all this...
YOUR problem is that you agree with Phoneyman when he tries desperately to paint this as a CATHOLICproblem. It is NOT. I have presented dozens of links to news stories that show this is a problem inPROTESTANT churches as well.

As for the latest “scandal” – these incidents, as horrible as they were, took place between the 1930’s and the 1980s. – and many of the perpetrators and victims are dead. They did NOT happen recently.

The Catholic Church has taken more measures to protect children in the last 15 years than ANY other institution on the planet.

THAT’S what I mean about doing your homework . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Dead Bread, I'm calling Jorge and reporting you as a heretic for claiming that Sunday observance is in the Bible. The catholic church has always claimed to have by its own divine power and by no authority from Scripture changed the day of worship.

From The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine:

Q. Which day is the Sabbath day?
A. Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Q. Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
A. The catholic church at the Council of Laodicea transferred the solemnity of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

Q. Does the church have the power to institute festivals of precept?
A. Had she had not such power, she would not have been able to do that with which all modern religionists agree: she would not have able to change the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to Sunday, the first day of the week, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority.
It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been called a “heretic” by an ignorant anti-Catholic . . .

First of all – you cannot argue with Scripture. ALL of these verses destroy your position on the Sabbath:
Acts 20:7

And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight.

1 Cor. 16:2
On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.

Col. 2:16
Let no one, then, pass judgment on you in matters of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or SABBATH.”

Sunday became the day for Christians observing the Third Commandment because it symbolizes the new creation that was ushered in by Christ's Resurrection. For Christians it is the first of all days, the first of all feasts, the Lord's Day.

People like YOU who don’t know Christ cannot understand that He FULFILLED the shadows like dietary laws, new moons and the Sabbath.

Finally – Jesus gave His Church Supreme Authority on earth – that WHATEVER His Church ordains on earth shall also be ordained in Heaven (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 16:12-15, John 20:21-23).

Funny – I searched and searched but couldn’t find ONE verse where He gave that Authority to YOU . . .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Why do you hate the CC so much?
I don't hate the catholic church. However, the warning of Revelation 14 about the Mark, Name, and Number of the Beast must go forth.
Every church has it's problems with doctrine...do you know of a church that is perfect in its doctrine?
Yes. That church isn't perfect, but the doctrines are spot on.
The CC is the ONLY church that can trace its roots back to the Apostles. This is a historical fact and cannot be denied. If you don't believe this, let me know where the break occurs.
What does the Bible say defines "the church"? It says "they which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ". Revelation 12 foretold there would be a "break" in Christendom. When men arose within the church and began teaching false doctrine contrary to God's Word, those who remained faithful to Him remained "the church", while those who continued in apostasy ceased to be of His church. History records that these apostates continued to call themselves "the church" while they mercilessly persecuted God's church which fled into the wilderness, the mountains, the caves, the forests - anywhere and everywhere from the murderous reach of these wicked apostates who continued to fraudulently call themselves "the church". The fact that the Roman "catholic church" was visible all through the ages is proof positive that she could not have been God's church which Revelation 12 foretold would be driven into regions of seclusion by "the dragon" (Satan) working through his human agents in Rome.
We have enough problems in Protestantism to be worried about the catholics.
That's like saying, "We have enough problems with the DEA to be worried about drug Cartels." The entire reason for the Protestant Reformation coming into existence was to PROTEST the false teachings of the papacy, but today Protestants are no longer protesting.
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
"the church". The fact that the Roman "catholic church" was visible all through the ages is proof positive that she could not have been God's church

You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
The power of the feeling of that particular song is but one of many soul-touching sounds we were so privileged to be listening to when you were about two years of age. And it makes me wonder what happened to so many of us that we lost that passion somewhere along the way.
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Besides those three, Joan also tried to reach and teach our souls, too. We seem to have listened, but not heard.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
I agree with all but for Rerum Novarum, I studied that maybe be 30 years ago and thought it was a really good, and I am sure as Hell Pope Frances would hate it, there is nothing Socialist at all in it that I remember.

And as sure to be sure I believe that there is a child sex abuse crime syndicate and that you are totally correct about the promoting of sexual deviancy, most lefty's are as you say and also the wealthy extreme right wing creeps who use people for there own ends, I have seen this type for years have no morals at all, but the lefty's type are just a different breed of filthy stinking rats.

The only thing many very rich care about is there own money, I know many mates of mine when it comes to there money the issue of the morality of the nation does not get a look in when they Vote, as there money is 1000 times more important to them, so the whole nation is purely run by economics, dare I say crappy ones at that.

We just got the worst far right Socialist PM kicked out of running Australia, he was cunningly getting rid of all the conservatives and undermining Australians and looking after the very top end of town, I could see this in his workings, but the media work hard to cover everything all up, there is billions of dollars being spent on deluding the public by such satanic socialist in the media.

Look at the USA it has run into the ground morally not to mention the vampires have bankrupt the nation, and the media just cast such aside as just nothing worthy of being news. not to mention the USA give billions of tax payers dollars away to other nations, do you all know how much they give the State of Israel ? does anyone care or go bother to look it up, no ! but when the day comes that all their Super has just vanished, who are the morons going to blame, well it has to be themselves they were morons to just blindly trust in the government, the government has no accountability for their actions do they, they get away with so much that it's just insane and look at the Child sex abuse I was yelling out about this from 1977 it was like pulling teeth, people just stuck their head in the sand and did not want to know about it and the churches took full advantage of such ignorance and no one can deny that is a fact and the same brick wall exist nowadays in the RCC Schools today, the leadership have no true repentance, it's still the same old same old underneath a new facade, the game is on even more so now than ever, they are out right working to corrupt the children in fact, not to mention the same is with the Governments they are working to corrupt all.
Funny when one comes up and questions such, you get treated the same good old palm you off and demand that you have no rights to question them at all and I am a member of a political Party but I have no rights to ask questions ? but if I said something political incorrect they will come at me ranting that I have no rights to say such.

Well I am like this, I thought that my forefathers fought for my rights and that I came from a Christian Nation and this new age mob reject all such to my face. I can't believe they can say such rubbish.
We were never a Christian nation they say and that our forefathers fought for Sodomites rights, the same mobs look down on our forefathers, in fact bagging stuff that they have not got any depth about the reality of such, truth is they don't truly care because they are uni educated twats that have only been indoctrinated and they would not know what an education truly was, they are just brainwashed ignorant idiots and I say you want to question your teachers you know and there like what ! are you serious, bloody oath I am and you want to go and study the history of the Laws of this Land as such will prove that I am correct.
Not to mention, I wonder what would of happened to me if I were to claimed there type of rubbish to people down the pub back in the 1960's 70's you would want to be able to run real fast and never show your face their again, or they would tear you apart and that's a fact !
The rot goes all the way down to the lowest root and to the most lofty branches. Nothing can be done but warn people to "come out of Babylon, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and received not of her plagues."
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
Revelation 12:

12:4 And his (Satan) tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman (church) which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
12:5 And she brought forth a man child (Jesus), who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
12:6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days (1,260 YEARS)

12:13 And when the dragon (Satan) saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (church) which brought forth the man child (Jesus).
12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time (1,260 YEARS) from the face of the serpent.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Besides those three, Joan tried to reach and teach our souls, too. We seem to have listened, but not heard.
That's the beauty and calling of the singers and musicians....their message is so profound and comes from deep within their very existence. I am so touched by this.

Have you ever heard One Tin Soldier? Let me see if I can find it on YouTube....such a powerful message in this song.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Why should I scare you?
People like Phoneyman who spew lies about the Church SHOULD be publicly rebuked (1 Tim. 5:20).

Besides - I’m the LAST person you should be afraid of. Be more afraid of GOD’S punishments to those who engage in this sort of behavior than what some online poster like ME says . . .
Dead Bread, you are incapable of rebuking anyone for exposing the papacy as the Antichrist of Bible prophecy because to do so is to deny the truth of Biblically sound exegesis.