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Do you think there is anything positive about the Democratic Party?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Was listening to the Trafalgar Group this morning. While most of us are centered on the final count of the House and Senate ....This election could well turn over the entire apple cart. Trafalgar is still sitting on the fence concerning 30-35 House and 52 Senate. However, what they are seeing play out in the world madness tour of the Rock Stars of the DNC ....This election could well turn the tables on the out of touch DNC Green Deal contributors and result in a massive wave not being discussed. Govenors, legislators, school boards, and the Congress.It goes deeper ....Right now there are 15 states signed on to the Constitutional Convention. !5 states are in waiting ....However, it appears 6 more states will be entire GOP Legislative bodies ...If that occurs ....we are looking at a leap to demand the Constitutional Convention ....Congress could be handcuffed ....

Obama, Biden and the gang were playing to audiences featuring dozens of empty seats, Trump standing house only ....Trafalgar predicts that Florida will be called first ....If DeSantis wins by 15 or more points ....The blood bath begins ....He predicted that New York will have a new Governor by the end of the night ...Look for Oregon to do the same and possiby Colorado ...Then he predicted UGLY.

The Democrat Party has sold their souls to the dollar support for the New Green Deal....The Democrat Party is now the party of the Elites with no regard for the working class or in other words THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION. This guy was saying that if the Democrat Party doesn't wake up this won't be two or four years .....more like 8-10 years of Republican Party rule. He predicts the Democrat Party will double down ....They can't throw away their Elite Money Tree ...In other words Climate Cult on sterods ....

He also predicted a growing war in the red party. There is a growing anger against McConnell, pulling money from three campaigns ....He suggested that McConnell may be convinced to rest of his achivement of a strong Constitutional Based Supreme Court. There is strong growing call for the change from the voters ....That anger elevates should New Hampshire seat a Red Senator, Alaska seat a real Conservative and Representative. There was a concern about McConnell and leadership not being prepared for the leadership of the Senate. The feeling was that Scott started this war ....Scott will be the leader ...Scott covered the money McConell withdrew ...
The Dems hate Christianity and want to swamp America with Jesus-rejecters in direct violation of these verses-
"..many deceivers who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh,
have gone out into the world...
do not take them into your house or welcome them.
Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work" (2 John 1:7-11)

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Don got it right..:)

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There is good news on that front .....They are beggining to hate Omar ...

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Was listening to the Trafalgar Group this morning. While most of us are centered on the final count of the House and Senate ....This election could well turn over the entire apple cart. Trafalgar is still sitting on the fence concerning 30-35 House and 52 Senate. However, what they are seeing play out in the world madness tour of the Rock Stars of the DNC ....This election could well turn the tables on the out of touch DNC Green Deal contributors and result in a massive wave not being discussed. Govenors, legislators, school boards, and the Congress.It goes deeper ....Right now there are 15 states signed on to the Constitutional Convention. !5 states are in waiting ....However, it appears 6 more states will be entire GOP Legislative bodies ...If that occurs ....we are looking at a leap to demand the Constitutional Convention ....Congress could be handcuffed ....

Obama, Biden and the gang were playing to audiences featuring dozens of empty seats, Trump standing house only ....Trafalgar predicts that Florida will be called first ....If DeSantis wins by 15 or more points ....The blood bath begins ....He predicted that New York will have a new Governor by the end of the night ...Look for Oregon to do the same and possiby Colorado ...Then he predicted UGLY.

The Democrat Party has sold their souls to the dollar support for the New Green Deal....The Democrat Party is now the party of the Elites with no regard for the working class or in other words THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATION. This guy was saying that if the Democrat Party doesn't wake up this won't be two or four years .....more like 8-10 years of Republican Party rule. He predicts the Democrat Party will double down ....They can't throw away their Elite Money Tree ...In other words Climate Cult on sterods ....

He also predicted a growing war in the red party. There is a growing anger against McConnell, pulling money from three campaigns ....He suggested that McConnell may be convinced to rest of his achivement of a strong Constitutional Based Supreme Court. There is strong growing call for the change from the voters ....That anger elevates should New Hampshire seat a Red Senator, Alaska seat a real Conservative and Representative. There was a concern about McConnell and leadership not being prepared for the leadership of the Senate. The feeling was that Scott started this war ....Scott will be the leader ...Scott covered the money McConell withdrew ...

There is good news on that front .....They are beggining to hate Omar ...
Election fraud, endless ballot counting, drop boxes, no provenance or proof the ballots are legitimate. Election security is bad and I don't understand how so many races can be so tight in the polls, where are these people in those polls coming from. Just how can they be so evenly split, it can not be real.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The Democrats also seem to look after the poor better.

You mean the Dems get the poor on the Gravy Train, waiting at home, for that monthly Check.
That is not "looking after them better", that is enslaving them to the Government.
Soon, all 50 States in the USA, will be smoking Marijuana, and that is just what the Dems want.
Everyone sitting at home "stoned", waiting for that Food Stamp Direct Deposit.
The Dems empower people to sit at home, and if enough of them will, then you have created Socialism and a 3rd world nation.
They do this to the poor, because by doing it, most of the poor who live on the Government hand out, will give them their votes.

The Republican Party in the USA wants everyone to start a small business and find financial freedom and a better life.

Food Stamps, in America.
This was Created by Richard Nixon's Party = REPUBLICAN.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
The Dems reject God, so they've invented the false gods of pol-correctness and wokism which promotes perversion and liberalism, and they hope the universe will therefore like them even though they've rejected Jesus.
Not a chance..:)
"Ungodly...These men blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct..." (2 Peter 2:12)
"To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled" (Titus 1:15)
Jesus said:-"Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, I will be ashamed of him" (Mark 8:38 )

"Ungodly men, wandering stars for whom the blackness of darkness is reserved forever" (Jude 1:12)

The Dems (and our lefty Labour party in Britain push the lie that there are "many paths to God", but in fact this is the only path for them..:)-


Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Trump is quite simply a con-man.......a very transparent one at that....
People who have not figured this out by now are the ones that got conned—- they are the “ marks”.....

If you think this makes me a fan of the Democrats and Joe Biden, you are mistaken.....

First things must come first....Trump and his gullible modern -day brown shirts are too stupid to understand how democracy works.....they only favor it when they win.....and they do not believe in the Rule Of Law upon which this whole idea of Democracy is based...they proved that by their Treasonous actions at the Capitol.....it takes a special type of blind stupidity to consider that shameful day a mere “ dust up”.....

If people want to believe The big lie that the election was stolen—— that is fine.....just like if some idiot wants to believe that the world is flat, they also have the right to be fools....If Biden says that he wins and if at the same time , Trump says that “ he” wins , what are we supposed to do? Let them stare at each other for the next four years? nonsense. If you believe in democracy and if you believe in the all-important Rule Of Law , you take it to the courts .....that was what was done...... 60 separate courts with many Trump appointed judges declared that Trump had no case—- end of story. Unless you don’t believe in the Rules Of Democracy.

I Have no love for brainless democrats , but until the Pig-Ignorant Orange Hitler Worshippers admit that they have been wrong about their actions and come to their senses ( assuming they have any) and at the very least agree to suck it up and start obeying the Laws of this great land , they will never get my support even though I agree with a lot of the Republican ideas and agree that the Democrats often times have crap for brains.....

It’s like the sign that the lady had in her yard—- “ I might be a Republican, but I ain’t Stupid!”.........The rioters were trying to hang mike pence and Trump was cool with it.....and you people claim to be Christians and proudly declare, “ Yeah, that’s my man!”...... think about this monster you so adore.....you ought to be ashamed.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Trump is quite simply a con-man.......a very transparent one at that....
People who have not figured this out by now are the ones that got conned—- they are the “ marks”.....

If you think this makes me a fan of the Democrats and Joe Biden, you are mistaken.....

First things must come first....Trump and his gullible modern -day brown shirts are too stupid to understand how democracy works.....they only favor it when they win.....and they do not believe in the Rule Of Law upon which this whole idea of Democracy is based...they proved that by their Treasonous actions at the Capitol.....it takes a special type of blind stupidity to consider that shameful day a mere “ dust up”.....

If people want to believe The big lie that the election was stolen—— that is fine.....just like if some idiot wants to believe that the world is flat, they also have the right to be fools....If Biden says that he wins and if at the same time , Trump says that “ he” wins , what are we supposed to do? Let them stare at each other for the next four years? nonsense. If you believe in democracy and if you believe in the all-important Rule Of Law , you take it to the courts .....that was what was done...... 60 separate courts with many Trump appointed judges declared that Trump had no case—- end of story. Unless you don’t believe in the Rules Of Democracy.

I Have no love for brainless democrats , but until the Pig-Ignorant Orange Hitler Worshippers admit that they have been wrong about their actions and come to their senses ( assuming they have any) and at the very least agree to suck it up and start obeying the Laws of this great land , they will never get my support even though I agree with a lot of the Republican ideas and agree that the Democrats often times have crap for brains.....

It’s like the sign that the lady had in her yard—- “ I might be a Republican, but I ain’t Stupid!”.........The rioters were trying to hang mike pence and Trump was cool with it.....and you people claim to be Christians and proudly declare, “ Yeah, that’s my man!”...... think about this monster you so adore.....you ought to be ashamed.
Except Biden is much much worse than Trump.

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Except Biden is much much worse than Trump.
That is a matter of opinion......I am not in love with Biden , but at least he never got blood on his hands because he was not man enough to admit that he lost an election...... he knows how a democracy works ( not just when you win) and he respects the rule of Law ( I cant see him condoning the hanging murder of somebody that went by the Law Of The Land and did not cave to Dictatorial demands) For all of his flaws , Biden lacks the one thing that drives evil men like Trump—- a black heart. One does not have to wear a black hat and twirl a long mustache to be wicked .....Trump is a classic con - man and those that don’t readily see through this transparent , selfish, lying , stupid , hate- filled man are the ones that have been conned....even a Fellow Republican called him “ America’s Hitler and you guys say, “Yeah, that’s my man !” It’s simply unbelievable ......it’s just like my father said—- “ some people just don’t have good sense!” There’s no cure for stupid....

Gospel Believer

Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
Columbus Ohio
United States
Obama disrespects the military with his sloppy "coffee cup salute"-

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Don shows how it should be done..:)

View attachment 24021

Learning how to salute is easier to do than actually showing patriotism and guts......it would be just awful if his tiny saluting hand had “ heel spurs”...... yeah, he had his opportunity to show us all “ how it’s done”..... the lying coward.....make sure that it’s somebody else that dies....make sure you stick with the important things—- being a spoiled , p**** grabbing lout.....he wouldn’t make a good pimple on John Mc canes rear end .....
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
The best government is a benevolent monarchy which we will have when Jesus returns. Until then all forms will live in tension with one another.
Exactly. The United States is just another example of a good idea that worked fairly well at its conception when the original formers had control and the following couple generations; now it's just a collection of spoiled self-entitled entities mixed with those driven by greed.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
The "Nuremberg Code" concerns "human experimentation" (and the ethics thereof). It is a bit of a reach to apply that to requirements for vaccinations to attend Schools or Daycare.

Other than that, I agree that rights are being trampled if the descriptions of the legislation are accurate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
The "Nuremberg Code" concerns "human experimentation" (and the ethics thereof). It is a bit of a reach to apply that to requirements for vaccinations to attend Schools or Daycare.

Other than that, I agree that rights are being trampled if the descriptions of the legislation are accurate.
The Codes apply to anyone who experiments in the creation of viruses designed to kill. If the release was intentional .....it meets the standards concerning "human experimentation". You don't have to tie a human down or lock them up to experiment on them,....


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2019
Port Richey, Florida
United States
The Codes apply to anyone who experiments in the creation of viruses designed to kill. If the release was intentional .....it meets the standards concerning "human experimentation". You don't have to tie a human down or lock them up to experiment on them,....
"These legislations are direct violations of Constitutional rights and the Nuremberg Code."

I am confident that none of the legislation advocates for (or mandates) "the creation of viruses designed to kill" or their "intentional release", so applying the Nuremberg Code to requirements for vaccinations to attend schools or daycare is still a bit of a reach.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
"These legislations are direct violations of Constitutional rights and the Nuremberg Code."

I am confident that none of the legislation advocates for (or mandates) "the creation of viruses designed to kill" or their "intentional release", so applying the Nuremberg Code to requirements for vaccinations to attend schools or daycare is still a bit of a reach.
If many more people start dying, and people find out the evil stuff the WEF has been doing, and realizes what they plan to do to people, there will be a reckoning.
I do not think they will be able to hide it all, but the evil globalists may start a nuclear war as cover.
This site says the WEF will fail to achieve its transhumanist insane goals



Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
This site says the WEF will fail to achieve its transhumanist insane goals
They don't have to go that far. Since they are systematically destroying individuals and economies while depopulating the world, they are totally happy in carrying out Satan's agenda. They have now TARGETED children for total destruction.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2022
west coast
United States
People work very hard to remain oblivious and know nothing about what is happening in their own country.

Democrats serve at least one useful function in forcing the world to live a little less under a rock.

And acknowledge conspiracy theories which have been around for more than 50 years are true.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
I can sum up the management of the Democratic party, especially with all the trillions of debt, and the support of temporal pleasure, with one scriptural thought...

"Let us eat and drink; for on the morrow we die." - 1 Corinthians 15:32, Isaiah 22:13


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2022
Orlando, Florida
United States
I can sum up the management of the Democratic party, especially with all the trillions of debt, and the support of temporal pleasure, with one scriptural thought...

"Let us eat and drink; for on the morrow we die." - 1 Corinthians 15:32, Isaiah 22:13
The Democratic Party is run by the vilest, most evil people in the world. They are of the world, Godless, and worship their own power and have an unquenchable thirst for money while impoverishing countless millions of people that God entrusted them to help. In the life to come, they will pay a very HIGH price for their many abominations.


Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Democrats today, a crazed lunacy of destructive cults

And the people who vote and support these policies are as they are, also destructive cultists.

Personally, I view them as a manifestation of the evil times of this age. As also were the Romans, the Nazis and all evil empires thru history.