Israeli attack on civilians should be condemned by all believers

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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
Forget the mindless scenario that “the church system” has promoted, and just let the scriptures tell the story……it is one story from Genesis to Revelation

Yes I did that for over 5 years - read nothing but scripture devotionally - and came to a different perspective that you were taught in "the JW system".


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Dad, I provided my rational as to why I stated that that both sides of the conflict in Gaza are acting under the influence of the wicked Heavenly host Beasts and that the wicked heavenly beasts are acting in Satan's interest.
I guess we could say that about all wars
Dad, you are showing your ignorance on the Daniel 7:1-12 beasts. All these Bests, including the Little Horn, are heavenly entities who have rebelled against God. I agree with you that the False prophet, who is one and the same as the Little Horn is associated with the Antichrist in our distant future after he is released from the Bottomless pit.
Maybe just stick to plain English. I can't respect your eschatology.
The third beast in Daniel 7:1-12 as described in verse 6, has influence over Israel at this present time and Israel is exercising it dominion and dominance over the nations surrounding them in their own strength.
Again, save that nonsense for someone that doesn't know the bible.
I again refer you to Daniel 7:1-12. It is my understanding that the third beast as described in Daniel 7:6 and the Little Horn, as described in Daniel 7:8. Seems like your understanding is flawed and does not match the actual context of the scriptures.
That was Greece (Alexander the Great) in verse 6. As I said, stick to making a point in plain English.
So, you brush off the wisdom that I have presented as being "Confused nonsense.",
when the reality is that your own understanding of these present times does not match what God had written in the scriptures by His Prophets and only can be described as confused nonsense.

No the reality is that you don't seem to know one kingdom from another. Lay off trying to teach others about horns and beasts. Really.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Unless you live in Israel yourself, all your news is coming to you the same way I got mine. Just pick and choose. Young Israelis are choosing imprisonment rather than fight in this war.

Certainly in conflicts the facts can be exaggerated but here are the facts. Beginning on October 7, 2023, Hamas launched surprise attack by land, sea, and air assault on Israel which initially included around 3,000 missiles and 9,500 total. Considering their prior tactics the missiles were probably fired from school yards and residential areas.

The October 7 surprise attack resulted in more than 1,200 deaths, primarily Israeli citizens, making it the deadliest day for Israel since its independence. And more than 240 people were also taken hostage during the attack. And no telling what they are doing to those hostages.

Now what do you expect them to do? Jews are Jewish….no surprise. And they are governed by the Mosaic Law which commands them to kill all that breaths. Because they violate that Law violence keeps reoccurring ….they are being attacked by the same peoples and fighting the same peoples over and over again.

Iran supplied them with the missiles and Jets and other weaponry and financial support. The US should take full action against Iran. But we are not governed by the Mosaic Law but we have the capacity to send them back to 1700’s in 25 minutes….they will have nothing electrical…..and put them on foot with only guns as weapons and I am not talking about nuclear weapons. Iran should be destroyed. And we can do it without losing a single military person.

I am ex-military and I know both sides and the only way to deal with Muslims is extreme death and destruction followed up by hunting them down like pigs. You kill the terrorists and burn their bodies and kill who supplies them. You cannot negotiate with Muslims because if you try they consider you a woman and from there it is all about trickery and lies and they will never do what they agree to.

Of course Israel has its own nuclear weapons and could take out Iran.

Stand with Israel may God bless her.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020

"Are your memories that short? Have you so quickly forgotten October 7, the most horrific massacre of Jews since the Holocaust? Are you so quick to deny Israel the right to defend itself against the Hamas monsters?."
If that was some horrific massacre, what is the destruction of Gaza that killed and terrorized tens of thousands? Starving little children is not defense it IS monsterism


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
If Israel was not attacked ? their would not be Not be a problem !
No excuse for the barbarism and murder and starvation on a population.
Israel was attacked ! and it was Joe Biden and his Socialist Anti-Christ workings who wanted this War in fact !
Whoever wanted it is not the question, since we don't know. The issue is the genocide Israel conducts.
It was they who left the weapons for the attack in fact ! and Biden gave the most Criminal nation on earth Ukraine weapons that went to attack Israel in fact !
Even worse, he gives Israel weapons to slaughter children and women.
Joe Biden and Co are the problem, created this War on Israel and created the stupid War in Ukraine as well in fact !
The thread is not really about guessing who may have conducted a conspiracy to get Hamas to act.
The War in Ukraine would never got off the ground, if they people in that part of Ukraine did have the right to Vote in fact !
Joe Biden does not respect the rights of people to have the right to vote, no Socialist does in fact !
In the case of Ukraine, it may be safe to say Russia is socialist as well.
Socialist love to dominate over everyone in fact ! and they play every dirty trick in the book and they dominate over the Media in fact !
Why divert from the topic?
It's the idiot Socialist within Israel who are a problem regarding why they coped this attack in fact ! no one could be so stupid not to understand that this would take place in fact ! I knew it would as soon as Joe Biden left all the weapons behind for this attack on the Jews, it's clear !
Joe Biden is gunning to get rid of the PM of Israel in fact and this Party, because it is not a Socialist Party ! and that moron Zelensky is against the PM of Israel as well ! That little Nazi supporting mongrel Zelensky ! has no regard for the people of Ukraine at all, he is just a puppet on a string for the NWO so as to dominate over everyone ! They are Queer as Hell dictating spastics that will stop at nothing to get it all their own way ! for they are of the same cloth as the Nazis were and the Communist outright Anti-Christ in fact !
General rantings and conspiracy theories don't help here
Such low life trash has turned the World upside down, who would of thought that we all would be totally dominated over by Anti-Christ who demand to dictate what you can say or not say in fact and with malice destroy anyone who stands up to such Anti-Christ in fact ?
All that being said do you condemn the terrorism Israel conducts on Gaza or not?
The Churches have fell into their filthy demands and preach all the same Socialist vomit nowadays.
So should the churches support the terrorism of Israel or not?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You thought that was the law in Israel?? Sorry, no. They are probably governed more by the laws of Sodom that the commandments of God.

I wish people that comment on the Mosaic Law would at least try to know the Mosaic Laws. All you are doing is showing your ignorance.

Yes it is a Mosaic Law….


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
I wish people that comment on the Mosaic Law would at least try to know the Mosaic Laws. All you are doing is showing your ignorance.

Yes it is a Mosaic Law….
If you claim the law of the land in Israel is the mosaic law, prove it. (trying to remember the mosaic bylaws for the pride parades?)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
If you claim the law of the land in Israel is the mosaic law, prove it. (trying to remember the mosaic bylaws for the pride parades?)

The Mosaic Law has not changed.
Christ explained the penalties for anyone that tried to change it.
I will give it back to prove that the Mosaic Law can change.....who changed it....and when.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I guess we could say that about all wars

Yes you can say that about all conflicts including our differences of opinions.

Maybe just stick to plain English. I can't respect your eschatology.

I believed that the English text was written in plain English. It is your English comprehension that you have a problem with. Not my eschatology.

Again, save that nonsense for someone that doesn't know the bible.

But you do demonstrate that you have a lack of understanding of the scriptures and particularly the End Time Prophecies time and time again.

That was Greece (Alexander the Great) in verse 6. As I said, stick to making a point in plain English.

That may have been the case back around 334 BC, but the same third beast is still influencing people groups and nation to use its dominate characteristic today as well, in which case the Grecian Empire may have manifested the characteristics of the third beast back when Alexandra the great lived, but today the players under the influence of the third beast is certainly not Grecian in any way shape of form. You have accepted the rhetoric from the days of the reformation fathers which was false back then as well. The world has moved on from then and the people groups who are being influenced by the beasts of Daniel 7:1-12 today are very different from back then.

As for your claim that I am not making my points in plain English is a false argument on your part since you have read and understood what I have posted and have attempted to post your rebuttals by offering an old worn out understanding from around 500 years ago. You have also attacked the person by claiming that I have not used plain English in my posts.

So again, I will state that you brush off the wisdom that I have presented as being "Confused nonsense," when the reality is that you have been presenting false eschatological understanding around what is happening between Gaza and Israel. My take on the situation is that both sides seem to be saying that the God that they worship is more powerful than the God that the other side is worshipping.

No the reality is that you don't seem to know one kingdom from another. Lay off trying to teach others about horns and beasts. Really.

Dad, the reality is that you have no understanding of who or what entities the beast or the little horn are. My understanding is that the Bests and the Horn are heavenly host who have rebelled against God in league with Satan and the beasts and the Little Horn are able to influence people groups, kingdoms, nations and empires to do their wicked bidding in an effort to upsurge God through the people who have chosen to inhabit their respective domains. The fact that you can identify people groups, kingdoms, nations and empires who have manifested the respective domain that they have chosen to live in, does not mean that you have been able to determine who or what entity the actual beasts and Little Horn are.

Now should Israel be ashamed for acting in their own strength and not repent to God for their continual idolatrous worship over the past four ages, I would say yes. But as God foretold in Deuteronomy that over time He would increase the burden on them for their turning away from Him.

God has also stated that if Israel would repent of their sins that He would hear from heaven and turn once more to hear their cries.

But who is considering this aspect of what is happening to Israel today and will continue to happen until God has broken Israel's spirit such that they will seek His terms of Peace.


Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
If that was some horrific massacre, what is the destruction of Gaza that killed and terrorized tens of thousands? Starving little children is not defense it IS monsterism

“If” that was some horrific massacre??? You aren’t sure?

I think it would be helpful and healing for you to recognize it as such.


It’s also a warning to never do that again.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
No excuse for the barbarism and murder and starvation on a population.

Whoever wanted it is not the question, since we don't know. The issue is the genocide Israel conducts.

Even worse, he gives Israel weapons to slaughter children and women.

The thread is not really about guessing who may have conducted a conspiracy to get Hamas to act.

In the case of Ukraine, it may be safe to say Russia is socialist as well.

Why divert from the topic?

General rantings and conspiracy theories don't help here

All that being said do you condemn the terrorism Israel conducts on Gaza or not?

So should the churches support the terrorism of Israel or not?
Fact is the Wars are all a setup ! playing people for fools !
I do not want anyone hurt regardless ! but when one tosses a rock in the pond it makes ripples ?
You should know how the Devil works by now, it's easy for the Devil to lead people astray ?

This Mob took to the State of Israel in fact and Oh no ? did they not think that they would fight back !
Go and take on a hornets nest ? and see what happens, for one, get ready to run !

I support the PM of Israel on this issue !

What about the poor people of East Ukraine have coped ? when all it would of took was to have the right to Vote and the problem solved !

Putin's a Christian Socialist type and Ukraine under Zelensky is Anti-Christ Socialist ! Putin's Russia was on the path coming out of Socialism, and Putin has did a fantastic job regarding all that ! but Ukraine is going down hill with this Satanic Mob dominating and with Joe Biden and crew all with a cash grab to be made out of Ukraine, the Ukraine people have nothing to gain at all in all this in fact. but for the fat cats who want to clean up !

Zelensky calls Ukraine Big Israel ? and regarding the State Israel he wants to call it little Israel !
Now what type of Jew is Zelensky ? a so called Zionist ! and a Talmud Whore one ! who is in bed with Nazis in fact !

The Talmud whore, so called Zionist, so called Jews ? created the Nazis BS ! They controlled the whole thing and got the 6 million Jews killed, for their gods ! they call such a burnt offering in fact ! to their bastard gods ! like they gave children up to Moloch ! like they have done nowadays who serve Moloch, that abortion is a must !

See the freak show that has evolved before our eyes over the years, just getting more and more pathetic ! and the majority just tag along with it all thanks to a Satanic Media that is so one sided only !

Yes do your homework, the majority of German Jews were very anti Zionist in fact but Hitler was all for the so called Zionist in fact, that's why they killed the 6 million Jews, because They would not follow along with the so called Zionist Whore in fact and it was This 6 million who were the greats threat to the so called Zionist in fact ! That's why they had to be offered up to the so called Zionist god Moloch !

A Holocaust means a burnt offering ! They were offered up to their gods, Moloch for one in fact !

It all comes together bro when you understand how such Satanist play the games, for they lead the majority of people astray in fact and as Jesus said, This world is full of deceptions and delusions ! i totally agree with Jesus that is a fact !

Now one should know that their are plans that are in place to reduce the worlds population by say 80% for they have said this for some years now and they are totally serious ! not to mention so was the case written in the media about the 6 million Jews some years before hand in fact !

I can see the workings of Evil at play in everything that this world peddles and i call it out for what it truly is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
It is one thing to fight criminals and terrorists, but another to mass murder women and children and starve them. You should know the difference.
I do know the difference. First, who says that Israel is committing mass murder of women and children and starving them? Hamas? US Democrats? Second, given that Hamas uses women and children to hide behind, it is impossible for Israel to avoid completely the danger to women and children.
I don't know much about that. Apparently it seems to many people that that foreign war is a waste of money and life.
We are depleting our own materiel supplies. For what? Where is Europe in all of this? We are borrowing money from China to pay for supplies to fight Russia.
No, it is what they do by blowing up apartments, schools, convoys, etc etc etc. If they not realize blowing up cities of apartments was killing women and children, then they should hire a kindergarten child to advise them. The problem is they are not dumb and it was never accidental.
Are you really that naive? Apartments, schools, convoys, etc. etc. etc. are where Hamas is. That is the battlefield that Hamas has established.
The guy can barely order his ice cream or read his lines much of the time. Not sure how you think Biden got Hamas to do terrorism in Israel?
Biden has shown repeatably that his foreign policies are just wrong. It is the fact that the guy can barely order his ice cream or read his lines and he is the one calling the shots. What do you think our enemies will do in that circumstance except attack, if not the US, certainly US friends and allies.
So because the guy is a wicked and inept front man of a leader, you think the blame lays on Him for what Russia and Ukraine and Hamas does. OK.
Yes, absolutely. And the blame for China setting up missile bases in Cuba lays on him. The blame for China shipping drugs to the Mexican Cartels lays on him. Why are you siding with him?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Who is the real puppet master behind all the puppets?…..the same entity is pulling all the strings… blind are those who disobey the Christ and immerse themselves in the filth of this world’s politics…..what politician is not a bold faced liar…..promising everything and delivering nothing good. What form of human rulership has ever worked for the good of the people? We are witnessing the death of yet another form of human rulership….democracy. Totalitarianism is to follow….and nothing will stop it….it is prophesied and it will take place. Prepare for what their “one world government” will demand.

The world at present is ruled by an elite class who are all under the influence of satan…..this is his world to do what he wants with it. (Luke 4:6) To not see beyond what appears on the surface is to show yourselves as supporters of the devils rulership…..why are we told to be “no part of this world”? Because not a single thing in it is based on godliness….only on greed, immorality and wickedness that we are seeing every day and many still wonder why it is happening?

The Bible tells us exactly why it is happening and what the outcome will be…..we cannot be caught supporting the devil’s rulership in any way, no matter how well it is disguised. “The angel of light” is not always obvious, but his MO is unmistakable.
Aunty Jane, the church in the US today is following pretty closely how the church acted in Germany in the 1930s. They are "staying out of it". Pick up some of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's stuff and read about the German church and Hitler. Doing nothing is support to the devil's rulership. Today, in the US and most of the western countries, the major denominations, including the RCC, are worse than doing nothing. They are advocating for much of it. The US is, like much of the rest of the western world, abandoning the Judeo-Christian values. It will not turn out well.

Not "being a part of this world" does not mean looking the other way when governments go bad.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Israel will now send troops into Rafah to root out the terrorist rats hiding there, once again --shielding themselves among civilians, as is their practice. They had even regrouped in hospitals that were previously raided by Israeli troops, requiring clean-up missions to once again chase them out of these hiding places that only serve to endanger innocents.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Sunday that civilians in the southern Gaza Strip would be able to leave before troops enter in pursuit of Hamas militants:

"Our goal in eliminating the remaining terrorist battalions in Rafah goes hand-in-hand with enabling the civilian population to leave Rafah," Netanyahu said at a press appearance with Scholz.

"It's not something that we will do while keeping the population locked in place."


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The Mosaic Law has not changed.
Christ explained the penalties for anyone that tried to change it.
I will give it back to prove that the Mosaic Law can change.....who changed it....and when.
There is no practice of the Mosaic Law today according to God, Yahshua(Jesus) and his disciples, and then me....This Law was completed or rescinded with the acts of Christ for our salvation under grace, for all peoples. Have you read your Bible lately?

If you believe that the Mosaic Law is still in effect today, after Christ's work, I truly question your Christian faith.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
There is no practice of the Mosaic Law today according to God, Yahshua(Jesus) and his disciples, and then me....This Law was completed or rescinded with the acts of Christ for our salvation under grace, for all peoples. Have you read your Bible lately?

If you believe that the Mosaic Law is still in effect today, after Christ's work, I truly question your Christian faith.
All those who have not believed and have been saved are under the law.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
There is no practice of the Mosaic Law today according to God, Yahshua(Jesus) and his disciples, and then me....This Law was completed or rescinded with the acts of Christ for our salvation under grace, for all peoples. Have you read your Bible lately?

If you believe that the Mosaic Law is still in effect today, after Christ's work, I truly question your Christian faith.

Not for Christians but you might want to check with the Jews.....
Might want to check into reality.
In case you did not read the Bible they rejected Christ.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
The Mosaic Law has not changed.
Christ explained the penalties for anyone that tried to change it.
I will give it back to prove that the Mosaic Law can change.....who changed it....and when.
The question that arose with the poster who mentioned that was whether modern secular Israel was run by the 10 commandments. That was the claim. No one talked about them changing.
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